5 Tips On How to Write the Perfect About Section For Yourself and Your Business (And Why It’s Important)

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Image via Unsplash

One of the hardest things for an artist, business or entrepreneur is coming up with an about section and personal biography that is authentic to who they are, while also bringing forth the excellence of their services. Ironically, this very undertaking, which albeit seems common, is actually harmfully affecting your business if overlooked or done incorrectly.

Our businesses tell a story about who we are. Whether you’re part of a giant corporation, an artist looking to book more gigs and grow your audience, or an entrepreneur who specialises in niche contract work – your services, your mission, and your brand’s overall look and feel play an integral role in a potential client’s interest in working with you or hiring you.

In fact, a study published in 2017 titled “The impact of brand concept on brand equity“ conducted important research on the impact of branding and brand identity to the financial performance of a business. The study found that a customer’s emotional response to your brand is a key indicator of their commitment to your brand. Now, when you think of branding, you naturally think of logos and colour palettes first – visual distinguishers. However, a lot of us forget that written communications are equally as important. Our personal biographies – which can be a part to a whole about section – play a key factor in our brand. In fact, they play a key role in communicating a deeper story to who we are and why we exist to provide the services we provide. In fact, websites with about sections,

The importance of personal bios and about sections is universal

Artists, businesses and charities aren’t the only entities who need an about section. About sections and personal bios (both of which can be interchangeable or the same thing) are also equally important for influencer marketers and social media influencers themselves, as well. More often than not, influencer work comes from collaborations, sponsorships, and public appearances. An about section and personal biography is just as much of a first impression as your headshots. Written content allows you to create a compelling pitch: details on yourself, your niche, your portfolio, insight and statistics into your audience and growth will make it clear on why you’re the perfect choice for the business opportunities you want.

People simply don’t invest enough time or effort into their about sections – and it’s harming your business

Since 2019, HIMMAT MEDIA has worked with over 35 international brands. During the onboarding and discovery process, we’ve consistently noticed our clients’ about webpages ranked as the second-most visited pages on their website on Google Analytics (if you’re curious, the most popular page is usually the homepage.)

Yet, we’ve also consistently noticed that the bounce rate on the about page (between 27-64%) are the highest. Meaning, about half of a website’s audience (and potential clients) are exiting these websites after reading the about page. Meaning, if you haven’t been contacted for your services by many of your website visitors (and exitors), you’re likely losing out on sales.

What does this mean? Well, according to our research (cited above), this usually means that the customer hasn’t been successfully convinced that you’re the right choice for what they’re looking for. Meaning, somewhere in your description of your business, you are losing connection with your customer demographic or audience base.

Here are 5 tips on how to write a kick ass bio and about section for yourself and your brand.

1. Identify your core skills

What are you good at and what do you enjoy doing?

Take a pen and paper, or bust out a note taking app. It’s time to dive in a little deeper to find points for reference as you begin the writing process. Identifying what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing (in life, at work, with others – a hobby, a task, an experience, you name it) will help you connect with yourself.

Often times, we choose our path for a reason that feels familiar, but isn’t always obvious at face value. By identifying some of the things we enjoy doing, or have positive associations with doing (like performing a task that has positive consequences for ourselves or others, or having a positive memory associated with an experience), we lead ourselves to our core understanding of who we are. When we get there, we release mental and creative blocks. Consequently it gets easier to write.

how to write a good bio, how to write an about section, marketing, writing tips

Image via Unsplash


A great addition to your describing your skillset in your personal or business' biography is the amount of time you've spent developing those skills. How long have you been doing what you’ve been doing for? This includes all of the unique services you provide, within a total linear time frame.

Experience is an important factor of the client buy-in process. If you disclose the duration of time it took you to build the experience you have now,

Are you new to your craft or industry? Add up the number of projects you’ve completed – including and not limited to: collaborations, internships, volunteer opportunities, pro bono work, and school projects. All of these experiences are valuable in building the skillset you have today. A bonus tip is to include the range of your projects. For example, if you’re a vocal artist, specify and number the amount of songs you’ve featured in, genres you’ve sung in, and any other significant life experiences relating to your craft.


Another proponent to a solid personal or business bio is a colourful description that helps you stand out, but also stay authentic to who you are and what you do.

Ask yourself, how does doing what you provide make you feel? How does it feel to build a finished product for your customers? As you reflect on these questions, be sure to list out key words or phrases in bullet points or full sentences. The impact of introspection is huge because doing so is helping you describe your work powerfully. By describing how you feel about your work, you are providing very real, honest insight into why you do what you do. In this way, you’re setting forth a persona that is easy to connect with. We all have our passions in this life. By identifying yours and tying it into your work, you are immediately able to establish a connection with the reader. This will keep them intrigued to continue reading, and also, create further opportunity for them to connect and relate to you.

4. lean outward

A great way to understand your own individuality and authenticity as an artist, entrepreneur or business professional is to understand the outward value of your products and services.

What feedback have you gotten from your supporters about your work? This could include your customer base, your audience, and colleagues you've collaborated with. By reflecting on these questions, you’re allowing yourself to learn a different perspective about your services and your commitment to your craft. This will allow you to understand your strengths, your uniqueness, and what makes you stand out – great value adds to your about section that create immediate impact on potential clients.

Bonus tip: add a client testimonial. Ask 1-3 clients or colleagues for a testimonial on what it is like working with you or buying your services. By adding this to your website’s about section, you’re giving prospective clients successful stories to lean on in their buyer decision process of buying your services.


Lastly, the most key component to writing a biography that is authentic to you is ensuring that your values glow throughout your copy.

Why do you get up and do what you do everyday? Which of your skills, hobbies, & interests intersect with your messaging, mission or value proposition? Answering these questions can allow you to start finding intersections and patterns between your services and your values. By doing so, you’re developing a deeper connection with your prospective customer base.

Clients look for pleasant experiences – well executed work, friendly experiences, professionalism and considerable care are universal expectations we have when we are spending money on services. Bringing out your values and tying them to your mission allows potential clients to see humans behind fancy fonts and vivid colour palettes, an impact that will mitigate those alarming bounce rates.

Need an example of this? Check out our about page.

Final Remarks

Remember that your bio and about section will always change. As you evolve as a person, as you further perfect your craft and expand your skillet, and as you develop more experience in your field and life, your business and services will also naturally evolve – as perhaps, will your why. Either way, your craft is integral to solving some of the world’s problems. So, take comfort in knowing that what you write about yourself doesn’t have to be perfect – it just has to be you.


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